Confessions of a Passionate Blogger

Morpheme of the month:

am/ami- love

Recently WordPress sent me a Happy One Year Anniversary notification. I began blogging last October and I have grown to love my blog and have increased my passion for baking. I started off with my first post about Chocolate Pecan Cupcakes and here I am today, having tried so many new recipes and made everything from Orange Pistacio Kulfi to the Rosed Water Cupcakes. In the past year I tried perfecting new recipes with trial and error such as my Red Velvet Cupcakes and I blogged the whole process so that you knew exactly where I was each week and what I was struggling with.

I took this summer off from blogging to spend time with my family, volunteer, do summer assignments, and of course bake! Blogging reminds me of how much I miss writing and sharing my thoughts and recipes with the world. I also miss being happy when I get Wordpress notifications on the number of likes on my post. 

Yet here I am, back again at blogging. And I love my blog more than ever. This year I’m going to be posting so many recipes, tutorials, and things I’ve learned from my AP Language and Composition class.

Yes, I’m going to be blogging about my AP English class.

Wait, why is she blogging about her English class? (Well that’s not a rhetorical question so I’ll answer it)

Last year, I posted a lot of RE:FRAMED posts, were I took information that I  learned in my Honors English class and applied it to the real world. This year, I’m going to be doing the same, but at a more advanced and in-depth level.

Take this for instance:

“We eat food just as we read books. Words & ideas become us just as food does, fueling, sustaining, sickening us”

-Daniel Coffeen

Aside from the fact that it is obvious to all humans that we need food to live, it is important to acknowledge the fact that knowledge is important. Books contain the knowledge that inspires us to do things and even though we sometimes don’t see it coming, a lot of the decisions we make are influenced by the books we read.


I took a picture of this as soon as this came in the mail! The excitement after receiving this book could not be contained!!

I took a picture of this as soon as this came in the mail! The excitement after receiving this book could not be contained!!

After reading this book in August, I made so many cookies for a week. I tried different kinds of cakes and even a delicious Blueberry Smoothie! (Tutorial coming soon)

Was it a coincidence that I baked so much after reading a book all about baking? (That’s a rhetorical question, but I’ll answer it anyways.)

No, it was not a coincidence.

That’s the same effect I’m going for in my AP English class. With the new knowledge that I will be acquiring in that class, by blogging I not only want it to stay with me in my mind and for me to remember what I wrote, but also so that I share my knowledge with the whole world.

So I started this week with a morpheme. A morpheme is the smallest unit of language that cannot be divided any further. Each blog post containing a “Morpheme of the Month” will have content in the post relating to that morpheme.

I’m excited to see what this year brings forth.

